February 27, 2013

Child Portraits

 I often use Katie as my go to model when I "practice" because she is always ready and willing.  This time, however, I wanted to use Andrew.  I rushed to get these done after I did the "Red" themed picture with Katie.  There is an old truck here in my town, just a block away from my house.  I've wanted to incorporate it into some pictures for awhile now.  I thought Andrew's outfit would go along perfectly with this truck as the backdrop.  
 On these next two, I did the traditional "classic" edit and the added an "aged" preset (seen on the left) as well.  Which one do you like the best?

February 26, 2013

I'm Seein' Red

Obviously, I've missed a few weeks in this weekly blog challenge that I was so convinced I could keep up with.  In my defense, I have a baby.  A teething baby.  That should be enough said, right?  I mean, I barely have any time to myself without him in my arms these days.  And when I do have time, blogging is the last thing on my mind.  But right now, Daniel and the kids are gone to go sledding, the baby is actually taking a nap (on his own, in his crib!) so I thought this would be the perfect time to attempt to catch up.  
This was another "is it a color or an emotion" type challenge week.  I was not angry, so I chose to photograph it as a color instead of an emotion.  I went out and bought some red spray paint to paint a little wooden chair I had sitting in my basement.  I'd been wanting to do this for 2 years now and just hadn't gotten around to doing it.  We had a warm day so I went out and got to work painting this chair. I had the perfect spot I wanted to use for this project (the photo session, not the painting the chair project) and I planned to do it at sunset using one of my kids.  Well, as you know, things don't always go as planned.  The warm day I had waited for finally arrived.  It was a Sunday.  So we went to church.  Then Daniel took a nap.  I kept waiting for him to wake up so I didn't have to drag the baby to this shoot.  But he didn't wake up (he eventually woke up, just not in time...I don't want you to think he died).  And it started cooling off drastically.  So before I lost all the light, I quickly got my little model ready, loaded the kids up in the car and took off to my spot.  The sun was sinking fast, the wind started blowing and my kids were freezing.  I snapped a few shots, but wasn't getting what I wanted.  Katie was so cold, she just couldn't hang in there with me, so I abandoned the idea.  I got home and loaded the images to my computer so I could have a look see.  I chose one that I thought I could save, and here it is.  
I love it.  And I hope you do as well.