December 29, 2010

Dance Me, Daddy

For Christmas, Katie recieved a book called, Dance Me, DaddyI was at Mardel and found this book, and, I'm not gonna lie, I teared up as I read it.  I envisioned it being one of those books that gets tattered and torn over the years from being read so much, and, one of those that creates a special bond between father and daughter.  Katie is more a of mommy's girl than a daddy's girl, so I thought this might be a special thing for the two of them.    Last night, he read it to her for the first time so I grabbed a couple pictures.  In my mind, these will go in the slideshow that will play at her wedding.  lol
I don't think Katie got as much out of it as I did, and frankly, I didn't think she was paying that much attention.  But, I got my picture, and, there would be many more readings over the years, so it didn't matter. 
If you know Katie at all, you know that she is very into princesses.  She believes (and rightly so) that she is a princess and she likes to wear skirts and dresses.  She also loves wearing makeup. 

This morning, after watching a few episodes of Toddlers and Tiarras w/ me, Katie asked me if I would put her in a dress so she could be a princess.  She chose the one w/ pink so she could be Sleeping Beauty and then paired it w/ her new Sleeping Beauty shoes she recieved from Aunt Alisha & Uncle Bubba for Christmas.

After getting dressed, she then asked me to put make-up on her.  Since today was a princess sort of day, I concented.  (If you see a close up, don't judge too harshly...I am still recovering from shoulder surgery and while you wouldn't think it would be hard to apply make-up on someone else, try doing it w/ your arm pinned to your side).  I did a bang up job, but she was happy with it.  I wanted to snap a few pictures, mainly to show Aunt Alisha that she chose well when choosing Katie's gift.

Seconds after I took these last two photos and set the camera down, preparing to go sit back down and rest my arm, I turned around to observe as Katie walked up to her daddy and said, "Daddy?  Will you dance w/ me?"  He laughed thinking I had put her up to it, but after seeing the look on my face, he realized I hadn't.  My heart practically melted right then and there.  I think his did too.  He told her they needed music so I got the CD that came along w/ the Dance Me, Daddy book.  Then I grabbed my camera and snapped away as I watched the most precious thing ever!  I missed the shot that brought tears to my eyes, but the ones I did capture are pretty darn sweet.

I think he liked it.  :O)
Taking a bow as Andrew looks on.
Clearly, these will all make the slideshow that will play at her wedding as she dances w/ her Daddy to "King of the World" by Point of Grace.  And I will be bawling my eyes out.


  1. Okay that is THE CUTEST story I've read in a while. She is such a sweetheart! I'm so glad seh is enjoying her gift and most importantly enjoying her time with her daddy!

  2. Love this entry Joni! Great photos and story. ...are you supposed to be shooting so soon after surgery!?

  3. Bart, probably not. I kept my arm tucked in and didn't hold the camera for very long. I would have been crazy to not have shot that though. ;o)

  4. LOVE it! It made me tear up oh how sweet <3

  5. Your Mom brought the Dance up on our computer just now and we enjoyed watching it with your kids. ANDREW wanted me to read it all out loud, so he could enjoy it again. They are precious pics of Katie Jo and her Daddy dancing. Hope it will be a while until her marriage, but it is certainly worth saving! Nana says if she is around she also would bawl her eyes out!
