April 4, 2011

Today, he turned F-I-V-E!

This is the story of Andrew and how he came to be.  I love details, especially when it comes to my life or the life of my family. So if you care to, follow along and enjoy.  If not, just check out the pictures of this adorable little boy!
January 16, 2006, I woke up to go relieve my very pressed upon bladder.  When I came back to bed, I leaned over to get my pillow off the floor when I hear a pop!  I went rushing to the bathroom...my water broke!  Fast forward a few hours and I'm at the hospital in full blown labor.  I got the epidural, pushed for 30 minutes and the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen was placed in my arms!  He was crying and I just kept saying, "Its OK, baby, its OK!  Mommy's here."  :o)  And so, my love affair began.
Can you imagine looking over to see that little face almost smiling at you?  Wow!  I just melted.  How did I get so lucky?!  Well, my luck quickly faded b/c my 2 days in the hospital were torture!  The nurses told me every single time they came in that he was hungry so I was constantly trying to feed him.  I got next to no sleep at all.  The next night, the nurse who came in was coughing all over my precious newborn.  When I had my husband complain, she came back and said not to worry, she wasn't contagious.  Really?  I don't care!  You're still coughing all over my newborn!  I was so glad to go home.  Especially when I got to dress my baby boy up in my very carefully selected "going home outfit."  However, I don't think I added a pic of that outfit, so you'll have to settle for this precious one of him in his daddy's arms.
These next two are of his first professional pictures.  He looked a lot like Daniel back then.
It didn't take him long at all to have me wrapped around his little finger!  He was a very laid back baby giving me every opportunity to feel confident as a first time mom.  It was bliss!

This is Andrew at almost 1 month old (2 days shy), celebrating his first Valentine's Day. 
Celebrating our first V-Day as parents. 

Andrew at 2 months.  We were living in FL at the time and Andrew and I flew to MO so I could help my mom out after shoulder surgery.  Good thing I did b/c she returned the favor 5 years later.  ;o)

Andrew at 3 months.

My baby's version of a sleep mask.  I came in to check on him and he had done this himself.  Gave me a good laugh.  :o)
Andrew's first visit to the beach - 5 months old.
Andrew's first time to camp!  Daniel and I went as counselors and took Andrew along.  Here we are catching an afternoon nap.
Andrew's first visit to The Picture People.  They captured his personality perfectly!  Whenever he got excited, his fists went straight to his mouth.  I love this picture!
Now what can be cuter than a baby in a bathtub?  I'll tell you what.  A baby that's looking up at you with big, blue eyes!
Andrew at 9 months, being a somewhat willing participant to his mother who was at the time, seeking to achieve some photography skills.  And who better than to practice on than this adorable baby?!
He just makes me smile.  :o)
At 11 months, he loved scooting around on this little car. 

Like Father like Son!  He loves to copy what his dad does.  BTW, this was taken with my cell phone, thus, the poor quality.
He was always a happy little traveler.
One of my faves.  The shirt says it all.  ;o)
His first Halloween to go trick-or-treating.  I just used what I had and he went as a "farmer".  You have to admit, he's got to be the cutest farmer you've ever seen!  ;o)
He loves music, which well he should!  Its in his genes!  All 4 grandparents play instruments, aunts and uncles play instruments, his daddy plays instruments, and me, well, I just hum along while others play.  ;o)  But seriously, Andrew loves music whether it be instruments or singing.  He's got good rhythm and good pitch. I can't wait to see him develop his talents as he grows.  Here, he is 2 1/2 years old.
I decided it was time to get a big boy haircut.  It was hard for me to watch all those pretty, blonde, silky locks fall away as Aunt Jini gave him a trim.  He instantly went from toddler to big boy!  While I liked the hair cut, I did not like seeing my baby age so quickly with one hair cut!  He was still a handsome little guy though!
3 1/2 years old - one evening Katie was gone so I took Andrew out and had a mini photo shoot with him.  This was about the time I started getting serious about wanting to pursue photography (so forgive all the above pictures).  ;o)  He was the perfect little model.
4 1/2 years - one afternoon, I took the kids out "exploring".  A favorite past time of ours.  We found an old train station (now a museum) and some abandoned tracks and took some pics while we were there.  He likes to pose himself sometimes and this was one of his poses. 
This is present day.  I am the mother of a five year old.  Oh the memories that have flooded through my mind as I've looked at past pictures.  Its a bit bittersweet watching our little ones grow.  Its sad that they are no longer babies and dependant on us for everything, but exciting b/c they are learning new things everyday, becoming their own person, developing their own personalities, opinions, etc.  This picture is from his actual birthday.  We had his party a few days later, so we just celebrated at home.  Give him ice cream and he doesn't care where he is or who is there.  ;o)
Andrew has chosen his birthday party themes since his 3rd birthday party.  And he plans them out years in advance!  lol  This year's theme was Transformers, and, as you will see in future pictures, pajamas were required to be worn at this party.
He is also very into Iron Man, so he got a few Iron Man things as well.
We had the party at my parent's church where they have inflatables.  Andrew was in birthday party heaven!  I am so lucky to be this little guy's mom.  I hope you've enjoyed this little journey through Andrew's life.  He is sometimes very trying, pushes my patience to the limits and sometimes past it, but for every trying moment, he gives me that many more opportunities to laugh with him, smile at his antics, and love on him. He loves to cuddle, give and recieve kisses and hugs and there is nothing more I could want. 
As a disclaimer, this post was started on his actual birthday which was January 16th.  I only just now got around to finishing it.  Also, I have not always been a photographer, so please do not judge too harshly some of the pictures you see in this post.  :o)


  1. Aww this was beautiful. I really enjoyed looking back at pictures of him as a baby. Sniff... Jay is going to be that big before we know it. We need to figure out a way to stop these kids from getting older...

  2. Very Nice Blog Joni!!! Always look forward to hearing what you have to say and view your photography talent.
