April 7, 2011

Playground Fun

I haven't done many photo shoots lately due to the surgery and the fact that it's been winter and not many people want to suffer the cold to get pictures taken.  So, my blog has suffered slightly.  I hope you don't mind that I'm getting back into the blog scene using posts about my children.  I personally think they are adorable and how could you not want to read about them and see pictures of them?  But, I realize others might not agree.  However, since its my blog, I'll blog about what I want.  ;o)
We have finally been having some beautiful weather that begs for us to come outside.  Oh wait, it was my kids begging to go outside.  Andrew is always excited when its not a school day, not b/c he doesn't have to go to school, b/c he's not in school yet!  But b/c the school playground is up for grabs!  So, on a recent, beautiful day, I slapped (not really, they are perfectly capable of putting them on themselves) sunglasses on the kids and off we went for a playground adventure. 
Up first, the tire swing, of course!
The tire swing did not last long.  With so many things to play on, why waste time on any one thing for longer than a few seconds?
I begged them to slow down long enough to snap a picture of them together.

I was able to snap the shutter once before they dashed off to explore.  Next, I settled for individual shots.

My Katie Jo is a little monkey.  She'll climb anything, jump off anything, swing on anything.  I've learned over the years (it sounds like she's so old!  lol  She's only 3, but she's been doing this before she was a year old.) to not panic too much.  She's got great balance so her falls are few and far between.  I love how her glasses are being pushed off.  Teeheehee

Next up, the slides!  Who doesn't love a good slide?!?  Well, I guess it can't be counted a good slide when there are spiders all over it!  I probably killed 20 spiders while we were there, which prompted us to hit up a different park.  But more on that later.

Here is Andrew waiting at the top of the slide for me to kill the spider before he would go down.  lol  I'm not only a mom, I am a HERO! 

I am a sucker for sun rays so whenever I can capture those in a picture, I get a little excited!  :o)

Next up, the swings!  Andrew wanted me to give him an under dog, but I was wearing flip flops and we were in gravel.  Gravel that was wet underneath.  It was after they discovered that it was wet while they were digging in it that we decided to head for the park.  There were no spiders at the park.  At least not that we could see.

The kids love playing in the sand!  Ewww.  I do not, but they were so happy and for once, I didn't care if they got dirty. 

You can only take so many pictures of kids playing on the same things.  I wanted to take something ordinary and try to turn it into a cool picture.  I remembered seeing an empty swing swaying in the wind on some show where a child went missing.  It was an image that has been stamped on my brain, but I didn't want to cheapen it by copying that exact image, but to try to capture an interesting image on my own.  Here are my attempts.

Our play time is nearing an end.  And when I say "our", I totally mean theirs.  Well, I guess it's all in the interpretation.  Playing to me is shooting pictures.  ;o)

What Andrew does, Katie must do also.  If he bends down for a picture, why, it only makes sense that she does it too!

Thanks for joining us in our little playground adventure.  :o)

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