January 23, 2012

Stay Tuned!

As a photographer, I am one of many members on an online forum/group.  We help each other, listen to vents, encourage and challenge each other.  One member has challenged some of us to blog once a month about...color!  For January, the colors are blue and/or white.  Each month on the 26th, I will be posting a new blog post and at the end, will link you to the next photographer's blog to see what her interpretation of the colors are.  I would encourage you to go through the whole list (when you have time of course) and to leave your love and feedback for those that inspire you.

This month has been a rough one for me so I have felt very uninspired, but I saw a story on FB today that totally got me excited and gave me a great idea for this month's blog post.  So STAY TUNED!  On Thursday, I'll have a new post up for you to read.  :o)


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