January 25, 2012

January = Blue & White

As mentioned a couple days ago (although I don't think anyone saw it b/c it didn't post to FB for some reason), today is the day for the first of 12 blog posts revolving around my interpretation of color.  
This post has been a little difficult.  I kept waiting and waiting for snow, but like many others around the country, we still have none.  So, I had to get creative within my own home.  Getting creative with pictures is not that hard until you're limited to two colors.  Blue, and white.  I chose 2 things to photograph.  These things scream "I HAVE CHILDREN."  :O)  

The first thing, cars.  These belong to Andrew, my newly turned 6 year old.  These cars get less attention now that he has a 3DS but they still make their appearance every now and then.  

The next thing I chose as my subject are things that are often used by my 4 year old, Katie.  She LOVES to color.  If she's not watching cartoons or dancing, she's coloring.  :o)

Now, I realize that I just posted 6 pictures (3 each) of the same things, but in order to make it (hopefully) more interesting for your viewing pleasure, I shot from different angles and chose different places to focus.  If you have even remotely enjoyed my interpretation of this color challenge blog post, I would like to encourage you go to check out khimagingphotography.blogspot.com 
and then follow each link until you've made it through the list of all 14 photographers who are a part of this challenge.  We, of course, would also love it if you would leave comments on our posts (we live for comments!) and then make sure you sign up so you will receive alerts each time I post!
Thanks so much for checking it out and make sure you come back next month, on the 26th of February to see the colors for that month.  :o)



  1. Hehe I almost used Gracyns cars too!! But she only had one blue one lol it would have been quite boring! I'm hoping for pink and red I'm more inspired as valentines really does nothing for me.

  2. I don't care for Valentine's either but I think pink and red will be easy to do. Since I have a 4 year old girl, pink is everywhere!
