January 28, 2013

Project 52 - Things On Chairs

This week's them is Things On Chairs.  If you're anything like me, things get left in all sorts of places.  However, for this project, one where you are supposed to photograph the odds and ends things that have been left on chairs, I found all my chairs to be empty.  Except for my recliner which always has a heating pad and a blanket.  :)  But there was one chair that I did find something on.  My cat.  She likes to take naps in this one particular chair under our dining room table.  I had some great light coming in through the glass doors so I figured she would make a good subject for this week's theme.  
In case you don't know, her name is Baby Cat.  Cute story about her name...we found her when she was just a tiny kitten and decided to take her in.  Andrew asked me why I kept calling her kitty so I had to explain kitty is short for kitten (he was not quite 2 at the time). He then asked what a kitten was b/c clearly, this looked like a cat to him.  So then I explained a kitten is a baby cat.  Rather than call her "Kitty" like was doing, he decided to call her baby cat.  So it stuck.  Baby Cat.  

Here, she had just jumped up into the chair to take herself a little cat nap.  She seemed to be a little leery of me pointing a big ol' camera at her, unsure of whether she was about to be in trouble or not.  There are some places we don't allow her to be, our bed for instance.  But the chair was fine.  :0)

I had to get a pull back shot to show that she really was on a chair.  Kind of hard to tell in the first picture.  (P.S. I know the table and chairs are ugly, but we still have not upgraded from our early marriage hand me downs).  ;)

I walked by a little later to see she had turned around.  So I grabbed the camera and took another shot.  I love when she sleeps with one paw over her eyes.  Not the greatest angle but she was half way under the table.  

I hope you have enjoyed my weekly blog posts.  
Next week's post will be "I'm seein' red".  
Will it be a color or an emotion/angry type of red?  
Who knows!  At this point, I'm not even sure.  ;)

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