February 28, 2014

Lots of Love

I've been planning this post for over a month now and now that I finally have all my pictures edited and it's time to write it, I'm at a loss for words.  I'm not quite sure how to sum up how I feel about what took place.  

It started with an email I received from Shear Madness, telling about an event called Locks of Love.  I'm sure you've heard of it before.  
Shear Madness is an awesome salon in Lee's Summit where I take my kids to get their hair cut.  It is geared towards kids and if you haven't checked them out before, I highly encourage you to do so.  Also, Cherisse is an awesome stylist.  ;) 

I nonchalantly mentioned this event to Katie one morning while I was doing her hair.  Putting her long, long hair up in a ponytail.  Like I did every morning.  Such beautiful, long hair, but I was afraid of her getting lice at school so I always put it up.  Again, a rabbit trail.  So while I was doing her hair, I told her about Locks of Love and how Shear Madness was donating hair cuts to anyone who had 10 inches or more of hair they would like to donate to this charity.  She asked what the charity was for.  

 Her tender, little heart just melted when I explained it was for little girls who had lost their hair and the hair that was donated would be made into a "hair prosthesis" for them, to help restore their self esteem and confidence (taken from the Locks of Love website).  I in no way gave indication one way or another whether or not I wanted her to participate in this, but she immediately said, "I want to do it. I want to donate my hair so some little girl can have hair again." 

 Now, keep in mind, she was the little girl who saw Tangled and wanted to grow her hair out like Rapunzel.  And she got it pretty long!  And it was beautiful.  Katie has the kind of hair that girls and women alike are jealous of.  The kind of hair people pay to get.  Silky, smooth, the perfect shade of blond, looks like it's highlighted.  But she didn't even hesitate.  That's what got me the most.  Her selflessness.  I'm tearing up as I'm writing this. You have no idea.  She is such an amazing gift of God to me.  To this world.  The doctor tried to get me to abort her b/c she "might have something wrong with her legs".  I wouldn't abort her but weeks later I begged God to allow me to miscarry.  My mom had just had a horrific accident and suffered brain damage (that thankfully she has healed from), I had a 14 month old and was pregnant with a child that could possibly have something wrong.  I was overwhelmed and didn't think *I* could handle it.  But God in his infinite wisdom saw the bigger picture and I'm so thankful he didn't answer my prayers with a yes.  
I named her Katie b/c I love the name, but her name means "pure" and she embodies that.  She is pure hearted.  Always thinking of others and putting their needs above her own.  

I took her out to do a mini photo shoot before her appointment.  I wanted to capture her one last time with that long, gorgeous, blond hair.  

She was the first appointment for the event.  We were both giddy with excitement!

See?  I told you it was a fun place for kids!  They get to sit in these fun cars!  

She separated Katie's hair into several small ponytails...and then made the first snip! No turning back now.  :) 

THIRTEEN inches!!!

Doesn't she look cute with that little bob?  I know, right?  Yeah...that's not what she got done.  ;)

Katie wanted to be like her mama and chose a pixie cut.  And let me tell you, she totally rocks it!!!  She is lucky and has that face that can pull off any hair style.  Wonder who she gets that from.  ;)
We went out and did another little photo shoot to show off her new hair do.  I've gotten a little better since then at styling it, but she's still pretty darn cute in these pictures.  

Doesn't she just make you smile? 

I don't know if you caught that the title of this post was "Lots of Love" instead of "Locks of Love", but I did that on purpose.  And that's b/c Katie's little heart is full of lots of love.  She loves everyone. If she ever tells you she loves you, and chances are very high that she will, she genuinely means it.  I am humbled and grateful beyond measure to be this little girl's mama.  I think maybe God gave her to me more for her to teach me life lessons rather than for me to teach her.  Yes, she is only 6 and often acts like it, but she is often wise beyond her years.  

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