April 14, 2011

A Conversation With Andrew

Normally, my blogs are full of pictures, but for this one, I want to share a conversation I had with my son.  Keep in mind he is only 5 years old. 

I was in the bathroom doing my makeup and Andrew was in his room playing.  He hollered in that he was calling me and I needed to answer my phone.  So I "answered" my phone. To make it easier to keep track of who was saying what, I put my words in pink and Andrew's in blue.

Hi, Mom, its me!
Hi, Andrew!  It's so good to hear from you!  What have you been up to? (My mind is already flashing forward 13 years thinking this is how a conversation would start when he is gone to college)
Guess what! I have a surprise for you!
You do?  What is it?
I'm going to ask my girlfriend to marry me!  (What in the world!  He is FIVE!  Where is he coming up with this?!)
Oh wow!  That's so exciting!  Now what is her name again? (haha!  Hopefully this will NOT happen in real life!)
MJ. (Ah!  Now I know where he is coming up with this stuff.  His beloved Spiderman/Peter Parker)  I'm going to ask her at the pizza party tonight.  Are you going to come to the party?
I will definitely be there!
We're going to have the slide set up (he's talking about the inflatable slide that is at my parent's church) and we're going to go down it together.  It even touches the ceiling!  Are you going to go down the slide?  I hope you won't be afraid.
I'll go down if you'll go down with me.  Will you slide with me?
Well, first I'm going to slide down with MJ, then I'll slide down with you, then we can all slide down together.  Won't that be fun?!
That WILL be fun!  I can't wait!  So tell me about MJ.  Does she love Jesus? 
Does she go to church?
Yes, she goes to church with me.  We sit together in class.  But we don't kiss. 
Good!  Because you don't kiss a girl until you get married, right? 
Right.  Mom, did you know that MJ's house is right next to mine and I can just walk across the yard to get to her house?  I don't even have to drive or anything!
Wow!  That IS convenient.
But I don't know if we're going to live at my house or at hers.
Do you live with your parents or by yourself?
By myself.
And does she live with her parents or by herself?
By herself.
Well, which house do you like better?
Hers, b/c she has lots of fun toys to play with.  (LOL  Now there's the 5 year old coming out!)
Well then I would sell your house and move into hers.
Yeah, because she has cool toys for her kids to play with.
No!  She's not married!  I mean after we get married and have kids.
Oh!  Good!
Know what kind of kids we're going to have? I'm going to have 4 boys and 3 girls.
Wow!  That's a lot!
Yep.  And they're going to be good.  They will never ever have to get spankings.  They will even stand in the street and a car will be coming and I'll say "move" and they will run out of the way.
Well, good for them.
Ok, bye mom!
Bye, Andrew.  I love you!
I love you too.

This dialogue had me cracking up on the inside.  I love the way his little mind works.  I hope you've enjoyed a peek into Andrew's brain.  :o)  Thanks for reading!


  1. Oh my word how cute! I giggled through the whole thing! :)

  2. Thats so adorable. He is very creative and you can tell he thinks things through (even if he is a little naive about the perfect kids :) hehe.
