January 12, 2013

Project 52 - Week 1/Breaking Rules

So, if you are a fan of mine on FB, you may have read my status update where I mentioned being challenged by some photographer friends.  One of them came up with the idea to post a photo each week with a different theme.  I needed this challenge to get me moving again, so I "signed up".  I failed horribly at the attempt to blog once a month last year, but I had a good excuse...one that lasted about 9 months (and then some).  :)  While my "excuse" has now arrived and keeps me plenty busy, I am now at a place where I want to break out the ol' camera again and challenge my creative thinking.  The challenge was also to blow the dust off the keyboard and get to blogging again!  I was reading through some previous posts, and while I may never win a Pulitzer Prize or anything, I do a pretty decent job with the written word.  At least my little brother makes me think I do.  (Holla, Josh!)
This first week (which should've been posted 2 weeks ago, but in my defense, I didn't know about it then), the challenge was to break the rules of composition.  There are a lot of rules of composition.  The one most people are familiar with is the rule of thirds.  Since it is most common, I didn't want to focus on that one. I chose to break a couple rules. One rule of composition is to not have your background cluttered.  It could potentially distract the eye of the viewer.  Well, since I have clutter everywhere, I broke that rule.  It was hard not to.  Unless I wanted to throw a background up and shoot something on that.  But that would take up too much time.  Or if I wanted to go shoot a subject outside.  But it's too cold for that.
I got the idea for my "subject" when my daughter asked for some Pez.  She loves Pez.  I hate Pez.  But, I love Pez dispensers.  My sister once accused me of potentially becoming a hoarder b/c I told her I like to "collect" Pez dispensers.  Whatever.  But now I'm getting off subject.  So I lined up all the Pez dispensers I could find on my counter...and I left all the stuff behind them.  The coffee pot, the blender, the can of life savers, etc.  But really, in this case, I think all the "clutter" just adds to the image.  Some rules are meant to be broken.  With photography, there are "rules", but often we are challenged to break those rules.  To think outside the box.  To get creative behind the lens.  Now, I'm not claiming this image is going to blow your mind with it's creativity, but it is just to show you that rules can be broken (in photography) and it can still work.

Ok, this picture might be a tad bit lame, but I had to start somewhere.  You did read the part where I've been shutter finger has had a LONG break, right?  ;)
If you have read my post, not to beg or anything, but, please, please, please leave me some love.  I love to hear people's thoughts and comments.  I like to know when a post has been read.  I'd love to hear from you and I hope you'll follow me through this weekly challenge.  Feel free to encourage me on!  ;)


  1. First....I have all of the pez dispensers! Second, I like the rule you broke! It works really well with this image!

    Looking forward to tomorrow's challenge!

  2. Yea! Another "hoarder" like me! lol And thank you! :o)

  3. We actually have more than this, I just don't know where they are. I found a Star Wars one in my son's shoe drawer today...and then lost it. My daughter has a few more princess ones. I think there's a Kung Fu Panda one somewhere as well as a few more superhero ones...
