January 14, 2013

Project 52 - Blue

This week's theme is all about the color blue and how we interpret it.  Is it a color?  Is it a feeling, an emotion?  The past several years, I most likely would've interpreted it as a feeling.  I've struggled with low iron and for some reason, it loves to bottom out in the month of January.  Extreme fatigue, depression, irritability, and inability to focus are just a few of the symptoms.  Yep, that describes the feeling of blue to me.  But!  I have learned to stay on top of my iron levels now so that didn't happen this year. So for this blog post, I am interpreting blue as a color.  It could have something to do with the fact that I have a baby boy and there's been an explosion of blue in my house.  But I would be dishonest if I didn't admit that it really had to do with the fact that I LOVE coordinating outfits and I just so happened to have some coordinating outfits for 3 adorable kids that just so happen to call me mommy.  :)

Now this session was no easy task!  Taking pictures of my own 3 kids...well, lets just say I REALLY worked for every smile.  Okay, okay.  My fantastic husband helped out a lot.  Especially with baby Jack.  

Andrew, my oldest, is not a fan of cooperating for pictures.  Let's just say he's a little on the hyperactive side and he'd much rather be playing.  That's why when I nail that perfect shot with him, I feel like I've won the lottery!

Now, my Katie is a natural.  She loves being in front of the camera!  She often comes up with her own poses.  

Last, but not least, I couldn't resist posting one of these cute baby feet.  :)

So how do YOU interpret blue?  :)  

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