July 17, 2013

Andrew & MaKenna

Meet my son Andrew and his dear friend, MaKenna.  

I had asked my friend, Amanda if I could do a session with her daughter.  
I needed to update my portfolio and MaKenna is a beautiful little girl.  She also lives in Buckner.  I'd been wanting to do a session in downtown Buckner, but no one wants to drive out to Buckner.  So doing a session with a "Bucknerite" was ideal.  She agreed.  We set the date and I was thrilled for the opportunity. 

MaKenna did a fantastic job and totally rocked the shoot!

Now, you may be wondering why I just threw my son and this girl together for a random photo shoot.  Really though, it was not random.  You see, Andrew and MaKenna met in Kindergarten and became fast friends.  Andrew would come home and talk about this girl, MaKenna.  She was cute.  He thought he might like her.  One day he brought home a paper filled with colorful hearts she had drawn for him.  It's still hanging on his bulletin board in his room.  ;)  She gave him a stuffed puppy for Valentine's Day.  Pretty soon, talk turned to, "I'm going to marry her."

Marriage?  My 6 year old was already talking about marriage?  I tried to explain that he couldn't possibly know as a 6 year old who he is going to marry.  But he remained quietly confident.  I quit talking about it and figured over time, he would get over the idea.

First grade came and they were not in the same class.  I would occasionally ask about her and he would just shrug his shoulders indifferently.  Seemed they rarely talked to each other anymore.
But then, one day, he came home highly upset.  There were, not one, but TWO other boys interested in MaKenna and Andrew could just not bear the thought of that!  Especially when one of them KISSED her on the hand! Then she chose Hayden.
Tears were almost shed.  Ok, not really, but Andrew was not about to lose the girl he loved.

He walked up to Hayden one day at school and in no uncertain terms basically said,
"Look here.  You may think you like her and that's fine.  Like her all you want.  AS A FRIEND.  I've known her longer than you have and she's mine." And off he went quite certain that that was that and MaKenna once again "belonged" to him.

On the evening I stopped by MaKenna's house to ask if I could use her for a photo shoot, they wanted to see each other.  They ran up to each other on either side of the fence and MaKenna said in this soft voice, "I miss you."  Talk about melting my heart!  

Fast forward a couple of weeks and here they were, together at last, for a photo shoot.  I initially planned to use only MaKenna but after discussing it with Amanda, we decided it would be cute to shoot a few of them together.  Well, I shot more than "a few"!  They were SO good together.  I gave them one little direction and they executed it better than a lot of engaged couples I've shot, who supposedly know what love is.  

One thing that made them so fun to shoot was simply how much fun THEY were having together.  They were giggling the whole time and just having a grand ol' time in each other's company.

At one point, I asked Andrew if he wanted to kiss her on the cheek.  He said, "No way!" lol She quickly volunteered and dove right in.  I love the innocence on their faces, in their body language.

I have no idea who Andrew will one day marry, but I do pray for her and I pray that they will stay pure for each other.

If you have read the entire blog, thank you!  I had so much fun with this session and I hope you enjoyed reading about it and viewing the images.  Please leave a comment to let me know you were here!  


  1. That is adorable! Whatever happens I bet they will be friend for a long time. So cute!

  2. This is just too cute for words!!! Love the pics and the story behind it. Great job Joni!!!

  3. I hope they stay friends forever!! Adorable photo shoot!! :)

  4. Very cute...and now they just have to get married because that playing at their wedding, can you imagine?! :)
